shea tradition



Shea butter is an ancient indigenous tradition practiced across the savanah plains of Africa in the Nilotic region where the shea nut trees grow.  It has always been prepared traditionally and been used in both cooking and application to the skin.  Women have used this in their daily routines for generations and the positive results on their skin and in their diet have made them seem ageless.

The shea value chain is critical in many ways besides providing sustainable incomes for local communities but also in preserving indigenous knowledge and culture for future generations.  In a culture where oral traditions are important KFP works with local women to strengthen their collective livelihoods and empower their cultural systems.  Enhancing good practices in harvesting, grading and processing the women are able to provide optimum quality products which can earn higher value.  This approach empowers communities for self reliance whilst maintaining environmental protection practice.  At KFP we are about supporting such collaborative systems for the long term benefit of both our customers and our suppliers.

Visit our gallery to learn more about traditional shea processing and the shea value chain.