forest protection



The lush savannah forest – stretching across Northern Uganda – is threatened by the increasing demand for charcoal as the cheapest cooking fuel for a fast growing population. KFP works towards expanding the shea nut trade and commercializing the commodity. By providing a market, shea nuts become more valuable than the wood. This leads the population to preserve the trees. Profits from the nuts exceed revenue from charcoal sales of a cut tree already with the third harvest – the trees can yield for more than 100 years providing income for future generations.  We have worked with partners to educate local communities on how to protect their valuable natural resources.

This has involved workshops with community elders, farmers and shea gatherers to take care of the trees which usually grow wild. It has promoted protection of seedlings and prevention of mass burning of the savanah bush to clear the land either for cultivation or charcoal production.  Such efforts are done in collaboration with environmental protection NGOs, government agriculture extension workers and local leaders to ensure their sustainability.